【B2】How to ACTUALLY Stick to Your Schedule (2 Simple Rules)

Justin Sungさんによる10分間の動画です。



Contextual Understanding Questions

1.  What is the main problem that Phillip, the accountant, is facing?

2.  What is over-scheduling and why is it considered a mistake in time management?

3.  What does the speaker mean by “picking your losses” in time management?

4.  What change did Phillip make to his schedule that significantly improved his time management?

5.  What is the main takeaway

Word List

Over-scheduling: Trying to fit too many tasks into a single day, making it unrealistic to complete them all effectively.

Wiggle room: Flexibility or spare time in a schedule to accommodate unexpected events.

Margin of error: An allowance for mistakes or unforeseen circumstances.

Deep flow: A state of focused concentration and heightened productivity.

Micromanage: To manage or control something in an excessively detailed or intrusive way.

Re-evaluate: To assess something again, often with new information or perspectives.

Fantasy world: An unrealistic or idealized view of a situation.

Divine power: A power that is considered to be supernatural or beyond human control.

Rigor: Strictness or severity in standards or methods.

Mythical: Imaginary or legendary.

Peak: The highest point or level of something.

Sacrifice: To give up something valuable for the sake of something else.

Frantically: In a hurried and excited way, often because of worry or fear.

Reluctant: Unwilling or hesitant to do something.

Reservation: A doubt or hesitation about something.

Continually: Happening or continuing without interruption.

Efficiency gains: Improvements in productivity and effectiveness.

Play defense: To react to events rather than taking proactive steps.


The video discusses the pitfalls of over-scheduling and emphasizes the importance of realistic scheduling with a margin of error. The speaker argues that over-scheduling leads to stress, wasted time, and a constant feeling of falling behind. Instead, he advocates for “picking your losses,” meaning consciously deciding what tasks to sacrifice in order to maintain a manageable schedule. The example of Phillip, the accountant, demonstrates how sacrificing some study time to learn more effective study techniques during lectures ultimately led to long-term efficiency gains. The speaker encourages viewers to adopt a proactive approach to time management by planning for potential setbacks and focusing on building a self-management system that works for them.

Answers to Contextual Understanding Questions**

1.  Phillip is struggling to balance his work as an accountant with his studies for a career change in machine learning. He feels constantly behind and overwhelmed, despite having a detailed schedule.

2.  Over-scheduling means trying to fit too many tasks into a single day, leaving no room for unexpected events or mistakes. This makes it impossible to be productive for long periods and leads to constant re-planning and stress.

3.  “Picking your losses” in time management means consciously deciding which tasks to sacrifice in order to maintain a manageable schedule. It involves accepting that not everything can be done at once and making strategic choices to prioritize what matters most.

4.  Phillip decided to sacrifice 3 hours of study time per week and instead invest that time in learning how to learn more effectively during lectures. This ultimately made him more efficient with his study time and allowed him to catch up on his studies.

5.  The main takeaway is that realistic scheduling with a margin of error is crucial for effective time management.  It’s better to plan for potential setbacks and “pick your losses” rather than trying to do everything at once and constantly falling behind.





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